Alice Amos

Alice Amos

Three year old girl with iq 162
Country: Great Britain

  1. Alice Amos: An Exceptionally Intelligent English Girl
  2. Early Life and Background
  3. Membership in 'Mensa'
  4. A Balanced Childhood
  5. Recognition and Exceptional Intelligence

Alice Amos: An Exceptionally Intelligent English Girl

Alice Amos is a three-year-old English girl who has achieved an extraordinary IQ score of 162 in an intelligence test. This exceptional result has earned her the reputation of being one of the smartest girls in the world. Additionally, Alice is one of the 18 preschoolers whose IQ qualifies them to be members of the 'Mensa' society, an organization that comprises individuals with exceptionally high levels of intelligence. To put her achievement into perspective, former U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, and Bill Clinton scored 128, 160, and 137, respectively.

Alice Amos

Early Life and Background

Alice Amos, born to Russian parents, Tatiana and Vitaliy Amos, resides in Guildford, Surrey, a county in England. When Alice was just two years old, her parents were concerned about her delayed speech development. However, their worries turned out to be unfounded. Within a couple of months, Alice not only started speaking but also displayed remarkable abilities in counting and reading. When evaluated using the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale, Alice scored a remarkable 162, an achievement unprecedented for a three-year-old. Interestingly, Professor Stephen Hawking, the renowned paralyzed genius, shares a similar score.

Alice Amos

Membership in 'Mensa'

Even before attending school, Alice became a member of the 'Mensa' society, reserved for individuals with extraordinary IQ levels. It is worth noting that among the society's intellectually gifted members under the age of 18, Alice is one of the 18 individuals who have not yet reached school age. Furthermore, there are already 1,000 members of 'Mensa' below the age of 18. Alice's IQ score surpasses not only that of American presidents but also those of Napoleon Bonaparte (145) and Sigmund Freud (156).

Alice Amos

A Balanced Childhood

Despite her exceptional intellect, Alice leads the life of an ordinary child. She enjoys reading and listening to fairy tales and has a great passion for drawing and dancing. John Stevenage, the Chief Executive of the British organization 'Mensa,' welcomed Alice's membership, stating, "We are delighted that Alice has joined our society. In 'Mensa,' we strive to provide a nurturing environment for gifted children to further develop. I hope they benefit greatly from interacting with other talented children."

Recognition and Exceptional Intelligence

According to additional statistics, Alice Amos, with an IQ score of 162, belongs to the top 2 percent of the world's smartest individuals. Her remarkable intelligence sets her apart and promises a bright future filled with endless possibilities.