Porfiry Ivanov

Porfiry Ivanov

Russian healer, author of the popular healing method “Baby”
Date of Birth: 20.02.1898
Country: Ukraine

  1. Biography of Porfiry Ivanov
  2. Discovering the Path to Health and Immortality
  3. Resistance from Authorities
  4. The Essence of "Detka"

Biography of Porfiry Ivanov

Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov, a Russian healer and the author of the popular health methodology "Detka," was born on February 20, 1898, in a large family of a miner near Lugansk, Ukraine. He received his primary education in a parish school and started working as a laborer at the age of 12. At 15, he went to work in a mine. Due to his lack of education, apart from mining, he took on various other unskilled professions throughout his life.

Porfiry Ivanov

Discovering the Path to Health and Immortality

At the age of 35, Ivanov began exploring the path to health and immortality. Gradually, he started giving up clothing and shoes until he started walking barefoot all year round, dressed only in shorts. He practiced regular cold showers, went without food and water for extended periods of time. These experiments led him to the idea of getting closer to the secrets of nature and the human body. He started spreading his teachings, encouraging others to follow his example, and also began helping people heal using his own abilities. Ivanov formulated his achievements in his teachings called "Detka" in 1982.

Resistance from Authorities

The authorities were skeptical of Ivanov and attempted to hinder his work. He was even forcibly admitted to psychiatric hospitals several times. However, each time he returned home, Porfiry managed to restore his strength. Despite these challenges, Ivanov's teachings gained popularity and attracted numerous followers.

The Essence of "Detka"

The essence of "Detka" is summarized in twelve simple rules, representing healing activities that anyone can begin regardless of their physical fitness. Porfiry Ivanov passed away on April 10, 1983, at the age of 85. His teachings continue to be highly popular and have a multitude of followers.