Tim Janus

Tim Janus

Professional eater, holder of records for eating tamales, cannoli, burritos and tiramisu
Date of Birth: 31.12.1976
Country: USA

  1. Eater X: Professional Competitive Eater
  2. Timothy Janus: The Man Behind the Mask
  3. Competitive Eater and Film Star
  4. Philanthropic Eater
  5. Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest and Beyond
  6. $100,000 Millionaire
  7. The Non-Alcoholic Beer Challenge

Eater X: Professional Competitive Eater

Professional eater and competitive eater is known as Eater X among fans and fellow competitors. Renowned for not only his culinary feats but also his boisterous performance style, Eater X, with his vibrant face paint and ever-present mask, vows to "eat anything, anywhere, anytime."

Timothy Janus: The Man Behind the Mask

Tim Janus, the man behind the Eater X persona, was born in 1976 and resides in New York City. He first gained recognition in 2004, claiming the title of Rookie of the Year from the International Federation of Competitive Eating (IFOCE). By 2005, Janus had become a top four finalist at the Alka Seltzer U.S. Open of Competitive Eating and currently holds world records for the most tamales, cannoli, burritos, and tiramisu consumed.

Competitive Eater and Film Star

In 2006, Tim starred in the documentary "True Life: I'm a Competitive Eater," which showcased his life and rivalry with renowned hot dog eater Takeru Kobayashi. The film explored the daily life and preparation involved in being a competitive eater. In 2007, National Geographic featured Tim in their documentary "The Science of Speed Eating," examining the physical capabilities of competitive eaters. For this project, Tim underwent extensive testing, revealing that his stomach can expand four times the size of a normal person's.

Philanthropic Eater

On Thanksgiving Day 2007, Tim transformed his competitive eating into a performance art piece, consuming an extraordinary amount of food—a giant turkey, copious amounts of mashed potatoes and gravy, and an entire pumpkin pie. This act was not for personal gluttony but to raise awareness for the plight of New York City's homeless. He ultimately donated $6,000 to "Second Harvest," an organization dedicated to feeding the hungry.

Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest and Beyond

In May 2009, Janus became only the third person to consume over 50 hot dogs at the Nathan's hot dog eating contest. In 2010, he placed second at the same contest, eating 45 hot dogs. In the 2010 July 4th Championship, he devoured 53 hot dogs. In October 2012, Tim celebrated a second-place finish at the World Poutine Eating Championship.

$100,000 Millionaire

In 2009, Tim appeared on the popular game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," where he won $100,000.

The Non-Alcoholic Beer Challenge

In August 2013, Tim Janus attempted to become "the first person in history to get drunk off non-alcoholic beer." Estimating he needed to consume 30 non-alcoholic beers, Tim set out to drink them within an hour. However, his body revolted after 28 beers, causing him to vomit profusely. Despite the failed attempt, Tim maintained his good humor, quipping, "At least I can drive myself home."