

Greek historian
Country: Greece

  1. Herodian: A Greek Chronicler of Imperial Rome
  2. History of the Roman Emperors
  3. Historical Reliability
  4. Literary Significance

Herodian: A Greek Chronicler of Imperial Rome


Herodian (ca. 180-250 CE) was a Greek historian who hailed from Syria. Although he held minor administrative positions, he is primarily renowned for his historical work.

History of the Roman Emperors

Herodian's magnum opus is "History of the Roman Emperors" ("Tes meta Markon basileias historiai"). This eight-volume chronicle covers the tumultuous events of the Roman Empire over approximately 50 years, from the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 CE to the demise of Maximinus Thrax in 238 CE.

Historical Reliability

While Herodian's account provides valuable insights into this period, it is not particularly reliable in terms of chronology and geography. Nevertheless, his work is a rich source of information, especially regarding the events of the third century CE.

Literary Significance

Herodian's historical writings served as a model for later authors such as Ammianus Marcellinus and the authors of the biographies of the Roman Caesars. His work continues to be studied by historians and classicists to this day.