Ivan Makhno

Ivan Makhno

Serf, farm laborer, father of the anarchist revolutionary Nestor Makhno
Date of Birth: 01.01.1846
Country: Operator

  1. Иван Родионович Махно: The Father of the Anarchist Revolutionary
  2. Emancipation and Marriage
  3. Family and Labor
  4. Tragic Demise

Иван Родионович Махно: The Father of the Anarchist Revolutionary

Early Life and Serfdom

Born in 1846 in Hulyaipole, Ukraine, Ivan Ma(kh)no was a serf born into the family of former Zaporizhzhia Cossacks. From a young age, he labored as a farmhand for the local landowner, Mr. Shabelsky, in his estate near Shahorove village.

Emancipation and Marriage

In 1861, Ivan gained his freedom after the emancipation of serfs. He promptly married another former serf, Evdokia Matveevna Peredeiy. Despite his newly acquired freedom, Ivan's lack of livelihood forced him to continue working as a gardener for Shabelsky.

Family and Labor

Over the years, the couple welcomed six children: Polykarp (1867), Elena (1870), Savely (1872), Emelyan (1877), Grigory (1886), and the most prominent, Nestor (1888). After Nestor's birth, Ivan left his position as a gardener and became a coachman for Mark Kerner, a wealthy Jewish factory owner in Hulyaipole.

Tragic Demise

In 1889, Ivan Ma(kh)no succumbed to an untimely death. According to testimonies from locals collected by the Denikin Commission in 1919, Ivan had been a frail, alcoholic, and petty thief in his later years. Writer Mikhail Veller also alludes to Ivan's excessive drinking in his 2007 book "Makino."