Leonid Tel

Leonid Tel

Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences
Date of Birth: 01.01.1946
Country: Kazakhstan

  1. Early Life and Education
  2. Research and Career
  3. 1968-1983: Medical Practice and Professorship
  4. 1983: Doctorate and Further Research
  5. Achievements and Impact
  6. Methods and Inventions
  7. Honors and Affiliations
  8. Other Accomplishments

Early Life and Education

Born in 1942 in the Zhana-Arka village, Kazakhstan, the academician graduated with honors from the Karaganda Medical Institute in 1965.

Research and Career

1965-1968: Research and Teaching

After graduating, the academician worked at the Akmolinsk Medical Institute, completing research at three institutions in Celinograd, Karaganda, and Novosibirsk. He earned a PhD from Novosibirsk in 1966.

1968-1983: Medical Practice and Professorship

The academician became a senior physician at the emergency department and taught pathology and physiology. During this period, he also led the clinical pathophysiology department.

1983: Doctorate and Further Research

In 1983, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in Moscow. His research has spanned biochemistry, pathology, and other fields.

Achievements and Impact

Textbook and Research Contributions

The academician's textbooks and publications have been widely used in medical education and practice both domestically and internationally, including "Human Physiology" and "Central Nervous Mechanisms of Pulmonary Edema."

Methods and Inventions

He has developed and patented methods for simulating clinical death and post-resuscitation conditions. These methods have been adopted by research institutions worldwide, including in the United States.

Honors and Affiliations

Academic Fellowships
- Academician, Academy of Medical Sciences of Kazakhstan
- Academician, Academy of Prophylactic Medicine of Kazakhstan
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences
Founding and Editorial Roles
- Founder and Honorary President, Academy of Valeology, Kazakhstan

- Founder and Chairman of the Editorial Board, "Valeology-Health, Disease, Recovery" journal

Other Accomplishments

- Accreditations in US laboratories
- Supervision of numerous PhD and doctoral candidates