Maurice Couve de Murville

Maurice Couve de Murville

Prime Minister of France from July 1968 to June 1969, Gaullist
Date of Birth: 24.01.1907
Country: France

  1. Maurice Couve de Murville: A Political Titan of France
  2. Diplomatic Service and Politics:
  3. Prime Minister and Transition:
  4. Later Career and Legacy:

Maurice Couve de Murville: A Political Titan of France

Early Life and Career:

Maurice Jean Marie Couve de Murville was born on January 24, 1907, in Reims, France. He initially served in the Finance Ministry during the Third Republic and later under the Vichy Regime. In 1943, he fled France for Algeria and joined the Resistance abroad, first with General Henri Giraud's committee and later with General de Gaulle's Free French Forces.

Diplomatic Service and Politics:

After the war, Couve de Murville served as France's ambassador to Egypt, NATO, the United States, and West Germany. With de Gaulle's return to power, he became Foreign Minister (1958-1968) and briefly held the post of Finance Minister.

Prime Minister and Transition:

Following a conflict with Georges Pompidou, de Gaulle appointed Couve de Murville as Prime Minister in 1968. It was Couve de Murville who informed the nation of de Gaulle's resignation on the night of April 28, 1969. He remained Prime Minister throughout the transition until Pompidou took office on June 20, 1969.

Later Career and Legacy:

Couve de Murville served as a deputy for Paris until 1986 and then as a member of the French Senate, retiring in 1995. His tenure as a politician and diplomat marked a significant chapter in modern French history. He passed away on December 24, 2007, leaving behind a legacy of intelligence, determination, and unwavering service to his country.