Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Spiritual leader and secretary general of the Shiite terrorist group Hezbollah
Date of Birth: 31.08.1960
Country: Lebanon

  1. Biography of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah
  2. Early Life
  3. Leadership of Hezbollah
  4. Hezbollah's Activities

Biography of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah

Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, born on August 31, 1960, in the Burj Hammoud district of East Beirut, is the spiritual leader and secretary-general of the Shiite terrorist group Hezbollah. He took over the leadership of Hezbollah in 1992 and refused to disarm the organization after the end of the civil war in Lebanon. Nasrallah has been engaged in armed struggle against Israel for the liberation of Southern Lebanon.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Early Life

Nasrallah was born into a Shiite Muslim family and in 1975, due to the outbreak of the civil war, his family moved to the village of Bazourieh in Southern Lebanon, his father's homeland. There, Nasrallah joined the Shiite armed organization "Amal". In 1977, he left his family and went to the city of Najaf in Iraq, where he studied in a Shiite school under the guidance of Sheikh Abbas al-Musawi. However, in 1979, Nasrallah, along with other Shiites, was expelled from Iraq. He returned to Lebanon and taught at the Islamic Institute in Baalbek. In 1980, he was elected a member of the Central Committee of "Amal".

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah

Leadership of Hezbollah

In 1982, after the start of the Lebanon-Israel war, Nasrallah left "Amal" and joined the group "Hezbollah" (Party of God) founded by al-Musawi. In 1987, Nasrallah traveled to the Iranian city of Qom to complete his studies on Shiism. Upon his return to Lebanon in 1989, he became the leader of Hezbollah in battles against the "Amal" movement in Southern Lebanon and soon joined the Central Committee of Hezbollah. In September 1989, Nasrallah was sent to Tehran as a representative of Hezbollah by his opponents within the movement who did not want his influence to grow. Nevertheless, in 1992, after al-Musawi's death, Nasrallah was elected as the secretary-general of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah's Activities

Under Nasrallah's leadership, Hezbollah became a parallel system of power, existing alongside the official Lebanese government, and gained popularity not only among the Shiite population. Nasrallah established a network of charitable organizations, kindergartens, schools, mosques, hospitals, and clinics. Hezbollah began participating in parliamentary elections, winning seats in 1992 (12 seats), 1996 (10 seats), 2000 (8 seats), and 2005 (14 seats). Additionally, in 2005, two ministers from Hezbollah joined the Lebanese government. Despite participating in politics, under Nasrallah's guidance, Hezbollah continued its fight against Israel and organized terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens. In 1993 and 1996, the movement resisted Israeli military operations. In 2004, Nasrallah negotiated the release of 435 Arab prisoners from Israeli jails in exchange for the return of an Israeli businessman and the bodies of three Israeli soldiers killed by Hezbollah militants. In mid-2006, Hezbollah's actions against Israeli soldiers led to a new Israeli incursion into Lebanese territory.