Aron Boyarsky

Aron Boyarsky

Soviet economist-statistician, demographer, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Date of Birth: 02.10.1906

  1. Early Life and Education
  2. Career and Contributions
  3. Moscow State University
  4. Institute of Census Research
  5. Involvement in Censuses
  6. International Affiliations
  7. Research and Innovations
  8. Theory and Methodology of Population Studies

Early Life and Education

Vasily Aleksandrovich Boyarskywas born in 1903. In 1923, he enrolled in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Moscow State University, majoring in statistics. He graduated in 1926.

Career and Contributions

Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics

Joining the Communist Party:Boyarsky became a member of the Communist Party in 1931.

Establishment of the Institute:He was one of the founders of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics. From 1933 to 1945, he served as Deputy Director and Head of the Department of Statistics, later renamed the Department of Demography.

Moscow State University

Professorship and Chair Positions:In 1955, Boyarsky joined the Economics Faculty at Moscow State University. He held professorships and served as Head of the Department of Statistics and Head of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Economics Analysis.

Institute of Census Research

Directorship:From 1963 to 1978, Boyarsky served as Director of the Institute of Census Research at the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR.

Involvement in Censuses

Population Censuses:Boyarsky played an active role in the All-Union Censuses of 1939, 1959, 1970, and 1979.

International Affiliations

Membership in ISI:In 1966, Boyarsky became a member of the International Statistical Institute.

Research and Innovations

Contributions to Statistics and Demography

Significant Impact:Boyarsky made significant contributions to the development of Soviet statistics and demography.

Method of Determining Functions:He proposed a method of determining functions for calculating mortality tables.

Boyarsky's Formula:He developed the formula for calculating the probability of death in a deformed age structure of the population.

Demographic Optimum:Boyarsky established the economically optimal parameters for a population (demographic optimum).

Theory and Methodology of Population Studies

Inverse Problem of Stable Population:Boyarsky solved the inverse problem of the generalized theory of stable population.

Historical Population Analysis:He studied the history of population censuses.

Demographic Projections:Boyarsky pioneered the development of theory and methods for prospective population projections.

Social-Hygienic Aspects of Demography:He explored the social-hygienic aspects of demography.

Marxist-Leninist Demography:Boyarsky defined the subject matter and formulated the tasks of Marxist-Leninist demography.