August Eigruber

August Eigruber

Nazi Gauleiter of Oberdonau (Upper Danube) and Governor of Upper Austria
Date of Birth: 16.04.1907
Country: Austria

  1. Early Life and Political Activism
  2. Nazi Party Membership and Leadership
  3. Suppression and Imprisonment
  4. Rise to Power in Austria
  5. Gauleiter of Oberdonau
  6. Wartime Responsibilities
  7. Atrocities and Nazi Ideals
  8. Post-War Trial and Execution
  9. Death Sentence and Execution
  10. Awards and Honors

Early Life and Political Activism

Childhood and Education

August Eigruber was born on April 16, 1907, in Steyr, Upper Austria. He completed his secondary education and received training as a surveyor.

Nazi Party Membership and Leadership

Eigruber joined the National Socialist Worker Youth of Austria in 1922 and became its leader in 1925. In 1926, the organization became known as the Hitler Youth. He became a member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) on April 19, 1928, while also continuing his activities within the Hitler Youth in Austria.

Suppression and Imprisonment

In 1934, Eigruber was arrested for his political involvement with the NSDAP, which had been banned in Austria following the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. He was sentenced to several months in prison and interned at the Wellendorff camp.

Rise to Power in Austria

Post-Anschluss Appointments

After the Anschluss, or annexation, of Austria in 1938, Eigruber became Governor of Upper Austria on March 11th. He also joined the Sturmabteilung (SA) on March 12th and the Schutzstaffel (SS) on April 12th.

Gauleiter of Oberdonau

Eigruber was appointed Gauleiter of Oberdonau on May 22, 1938. From April 1, 1940, he served as Reich Statthalter, or Imperial Governor, of Oberdonau.

Wartime Responsibilities

In 1942, Eigruber became responsible for the management and use of labor within the gau. He also served as a Gauleiter and Reich Defense Commissioner in November 1942.

Atrocities and Nazi Ideals

Eigruber held the rank of SS-Obergruppenführer and was a member of the supervisory board of Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG. In May 1945, he attempted to destroy cultural valuables in the Altaussee salt mines.

Post-War Trial and Execution

Allied Arrest and Interrogation

American forces arrested Eigruber on May 8, 1945, in the Salzkammergut Lake District. He was transferred to Nuremberg for interrogation in October 1945.

Death Sentence and Execution

On May 13, 1946, Eigruber was sentenced to death by the International Military Tribunal for crimes against humanity. He was hanged on May 28, 1947, in the courtyard of Landsberg Prison.

Awards and Honors

Eigruber received numerous Nazi awards, including the Totenkopfring (Death's Head Ring), the Old Fighters' Chevron, the Golden Party Badge of the NSDAP, and the NSDAP Long Service Medal in bronze and silver.