Becky Stanford

Becky Stanford

The owner of the dog with the longest tongue
Country: USA

  1. Becky Stanford: The Owner of the Dog with the Longest Tongue
  2. A Rescue Dog's Journey
  3. An Unbelievably Long Tongue
  4. A World Record Holder
  5. Local Celebrity

Becky Stanford: The Owner of the Dog with the Longest Tongue

Becky Stanford is an American woman who is the proud owner of an extraordinary dog that made it into the Guinness World Records for having the longest tongue in the world. Her Pekingese dog named Puggy has an impressive tongue that measured a record-breaking 11.43 cm. Becky resides in New York City and shares her life with her beloved pet.

A Rescue Dog's Journey

Puggy, now 10 years old, was brought into Becky's life as a puppy. However, his early days were far from perfect as he was rescued by Becky from a life of homelessness. People immediately notice that there is something unique about Puggy, although it may not always be clear what it is upon first glance.

An Unbelievably Long Tongue

What sets Puggy apart is his incredibly long tongue. When he walks with Becky on his leash, his tongue playfully hangs down almost to the ground. Eventually, Puggy's tongue became so long that it was time to consider applying for a record. Becky submitted an application to the famous Guinness World Records and patiently waited for the official measurements.

A World Record Holder

The official measurements confirmed the impressive length of Puggy's tongue, earning him the title of the world's longest tongue for a dog at 11.43 cm. Becky couldn't be prouder of her little Pekingese, who has now become a celebrity. Puggy's appearance often brings smiles to people's faces due to his incredibly long tongue, making him cute and incredibly amusing.

Local Celebrity

Now that Puggy is a world record holder, many of Becky's neighbors and acquaintances are eager to take pictures with him. Despite his small size, Puggy's tongue functions perfectly well, especially when it comes to enjoying his favorite treat - ice cream. He licks it diligently and meticulously, showcasing the incredible capabilities of his tongue.