Carl Griffiths

Carl Griffiths

British man with huge feet
Country: Great Britain

  1. A Biography of Karl Griffiths
  2. Growing Pains
  3. Difficulties in Finding Footwear
  4. A Welder's Struggles
  5. The Shoe Problem in the UK
  6. A Unique Figure in the Country

A Biography of Karl Griffiths

British Man with Enormous Feet

Carl Griffiths, a resident of New South Wales, can hardly be called small. By the age of 20, he had grown to a height of 197 cm and had truly gigantic feet. In fact, his shoe size is a staggering 21, which is quite a contrast to the average British man's size 9. To grasp the magnitude of this number, one must imagine feet that are over 60 cm long, which is the size of Karl's 19-year-old feet.

Carl Griffiths

Growing Pains

Karl's feet grew rapidly from childhood. By the age of 12, he was already wearing size 43 shoes, and over the next five years, his feet grew another five sizes. His parents shrugged their shoulders, as they had no idea where his unusually large feet came from since both his father and mother have average-sized feet.

Carl Griffiths

Difficulties in Finding Footwear

Unsurprisingly, Karl faces certain difficulties when it comes to buying shoes. Even the most daring manufacturers hardly produce footwear larger than size 47. Therefore, Karl has to order each pair of shoes individually, often from overseas. For example, he had to order rugby shoes from the United States. Socks also have to be sought out and ordered, so the shoe problem is always a pressing issue for him. Sports shoes, for instance, quickly wear out during intense physical activities.

A Welder's Struggles

Karl works as a welder, and, as one might guess, finding work shoes is also extremely challenging. Therefore, he carefully takes care of his work boots, as if they were his finest shoes. Additionally, the need to find footwear is not cheap for him. For each pair of shoes ordered from abroad, he has to pay twice the price for delivery. Thus, he cannot buy shoes for less than 100 pounds.

The Shoe Problem in the UK

Karl complains that large-sized footwear, whether for work, sports, or everyday wear, is simply not produced in the UK. It is amusing that nightclub visits, which have a dress code, are closed off to Karl since he does not have any shoes that meet the requirements. The most accessible option for him is sneakers. He is particularly grateful for Nike, which offers a range of larger-sized pairs. However, even in brand-new Nike shoes, he is not allowed into clubs. Interestingly, in the United States, large shoe sizes, especially for sports, are popular due to the national love for basketball. Unfortunately, basketball is not as popular in the UK, so manufacturers and shoe sellers simply ignore the problem faced by individuals like Karl Griffiths.

A Unique Figure in the Country

Today, Karl is most likely the owner of the largest feet in the country, although his record has not been officially documented. Nevertheless, after reports about him appeared in the media, he became a kind of celebrity. Sadly, popularity and fame have not made it easier for him to buy shoes. He still walks despondently among the shoe shelves in his hometown and continues to order shoes from catalogs in the United States.