Filipp Berg

Filipp Berg

Rabbi-Kabbalist. Head of the Center for the Study of Kabbalah.
Country: USA

  1. Rabbi and Kabbalist: Biography of Philip Berg
  2. Meeting his Kabbalah Mentor
  3. A New Perspective on Relationships
  4. Establishing the Kabbalah Center
  5. Authorship

Rabbi and Kabbalist: Biography of Philip Berg

Philip Berg, a renowned rabbi and Kabbalist, was born in the 1920s in New York. Growing up in a religious Hasidic family, he received his education at the Torah Vodaas and Lakewood Yeshivas, where he obtained his rabbinic title in 1951. However, instead of pursuing a career as a rabbi, he decided to enter the business world.

Meeting his Kabbalah Mentor

During a visit to Israel in 1962, Philip Berg had a life-changing encounter with Rabbi Yehuda Brandwein, a Kabbalist and disciple of the renowned Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag. Inspired by this meeting, Berg became Brandwein's student and embarked on a seven-year journey of studying Kabbalah under his guidance.

A New Perspective on Relationships

As Berg delved deeper into the secrets of Kabbalah under Brandwein's tutelage, his perspective on human relationships underwent a profound transformation. Coming from an ultra-religious Jewish background and growing up in an environment that often isolated him from non-religious Jews and non-Jews, Berg was amazed to witness Brandwein's warm and genuine friendships with people from different backgrounds.

In the preface to the book "Yedid Nafshi" (Soul Friend), a collection of Brandwein's letters with Berg's commentary, Berg recalls his teacher's advice: "Don't judge a jug by its cover, but by its content." Shortly before his passing in 1968, Brandwein appointed Philip Berg as his successor, entrusting him with the mission of spreading Kabbalah through teaching and publications.

Establishing the Kabbalah Center

In 1971, Philip Berg opened the doors of the Kabbalah Center to the public in Israel, and in 1984, the first branch in the United States was established. In 2002, the Kabbalah Center expanded its reach to Moscow, Russia. Despite criticism from orthodox rabbis, the Kabbalah Center currently boasts around 50 regional branches.

According to the official website of the Kabbalah Center, over 3.4 million people have been taught at the center since the 1970s. It has also gained popularity among celebrities and individuals in the entertainment industry. In 2004, due to illness, Philip Berg's sons, Yehuda and Michael, assumed leadership roles within the Kabbalah Center.


Philip Berg and his sons have collectively authored more than 30 books on Kabbalah. Some of their works, such as "The Power of Kabbalah" and "The Zohar," have been translated into multiple languages, including Russian.

Despite controversies and differing opinions, Philip Berg's contributions to the popularization and modern interpretation of Kabbalah cannot be denied. His teachings continue to impact the lives of numerous individuals worldwide.