Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart

Fictional character
Date of Birth: 26.01.1964
Country: Great Britain

  1. Biography of Gilderoy Lockhart
  2. Early Life
  3. Education at Hogwarts
  4. Writing Career
  5. Tenure at Hogwarts
  6. The Chamber of Secrets

Biography of Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart, also known as Zlatopust Lokons, was a fictional character in the world of Harry Potter. He was a wizard, writer, and temporary Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is best known for his series of books about his encounters with various monsters, although it was later revealed that he was actually a fraud who took credit for other people's accomplishments.

Gilderoy Lockhart

Early Life

Lockhart was born into a family of a human and a witch. He had two older sisters, neither of whom possessed magical abilities. His mother clearly favored him, and coupled with his own magical abilities, this nurtured in Lockhart a powerful love for recognition and vanity.

Gilderoy Lockhart

Education at Hogwarts

Lockhart entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on September 1, 1975. The Sorting Hat almost placed him in Slytherin, but he was ultimately sorted into Ravenclaw. However, Hogwarts did not live up to Lockhart's expectations of adoration and worship. As a talented wizard with a sharp mind, Lockhart had potential, but his inability to focus on anything that would not bring him fame and surpass his peers negated these positive traits.

Gilderoy Lockhart

Writing Career

Shortly after graduating from Hogwarts in 1982, Lockhart became a writer. He traveled to exotic corners of the world, collecting stories from witches and wizards about their greatest achievements, and then erasing their memories and claiming those accomplishments as his own. He perfected his magical talents in the Memory Charm, and each trip provided him with enough material for a new book. Lockhart gained considerable popularity, but it eventually became clear that he had gone too far in his quest for attention.

Tenure at Hogwarts

Lockhart was invited to teach at Hogwarts by Albus Dumbledore, who was aware of his true nature. Dumbledore believed that observing Lockhart would be beneficial for Harry Potter, as it would make him realize the dangers of seeking attention. Lockhart immediately made a negative impression on Harry and other students, and his incompetence frustrated not only Harry but also his fellow teachers.

The Chamber of Secrets

After the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, Lockhart continuously claimed to know the location and identity of the culprit. When Ginny Weasley was captured by the monster, Lockhart was forced to join Harry and Ron Weasley in their search for the Chamber. In an attempt to attack the boys, Lockhart accidentally used Ron's damaged wand, which backfired and erased his own memory. He was subsequently sent to a special hospital for wizards, where some memories returned, but he never fully regained his memory.