Shakira Caine

Shakira Caine

Actress of Indian origin, former British model.
Date of Birth: 23.02.1947
Country: Great Britain

  1. Biography of Shakira Caine
  2. Marriage and Acting Career

  3. Current Life

Biography of Shakira Caine

Early Life and Career

Shakira Caine, an actress of Indian origin and a former British model, was born on February 23, 1947, in Guyana, India, into a Muslim family. Her mother was a tailor, and Shakira herself dreamt of becoming a seamstress. However, fate had different plans for her. She once worked as a secretary for a boss in a company, and it was during this time that she participated in the Miss Guyana beauty pageant and won first place and the crown.

Shakira Caine

At the age of nineteen, Shakira moved to London and competed in the prestigious Miss World contest, where she achieved the honorable third place. Her talent was noticed, and she was offered a job at one of the top model agencies in England.

Marriage and Acting Career

On February 8, 1973, Shakira Caine married the British actor Michael Caine. Their wedding took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, and marked a significant milestone in Shakira's life. Interestingly, Shakira started her acting career shortly after getting married. The newlyweds appeared together in the film "The Man Who Would Be King," directed by John Huston. They soon welcomed their daughter, Natasha, into the world.

It is worth mentioning that Shakira and Michael's meeting was not a coincidence. Michael had been obsessed with finding the most beautiful woman he had never met. He found his destiny in a commercial for Maxwell House coffee. When he made up his mind to find the charming young woman, it did not take him long. It turned out that a close friend of Michael knew Shakira's phone number, which was enough for determined Michael.

Current Life

Currently, Shakira Caine and her husband reside in their own home in Surrey. Their love for each other remains strong. Recently, the 75-year-old actor received an award from one of the British artists' associations and dedicated it to his wife.

As a former famous model, Shakira maintains friendships with many prominent individuals. For example, she has a friendly relationship with the First Lady of Iceland, Dorrit Mousaieff.