Teodor Jeske-Choinski

Teodor Jeske-Choinski

Polish critic, novelist and publicist, one of the most ardent advocates of conservatism.
Date of Birth: 27.02.1854
Country: Poland

  1. Early Opposition and Transition
  2. Notable Works
  3. "Dekadentyzm" (Decadence)

Tadeusz Jeske-Choiński: Polish Critic, Novelist, and Conservative Advocate

Tadeusz Jeske-Choiński was a Polish literary critic, novelist, and publicist who became a staunch advocate of conservatism.

Early Opposition and Transition

Initially, Jeske-Choiński aligned with the more "liberal" literary group known as Young Poland. He criticized the clergy and collaborated with the positivist journal "Nowiny." However, he later transitioned to the "young conservatives" and became involved in their publications, "Niwa" and "Slowo."

Notable Works

Jeske-Choiński's critical works include:

"Pozytywizm warszawski i jego glowni przedstawiciele" (Warsaw Positivism and its Main Representatives)

"Typy i idealy pozytiwistycznej beletrystiki polskiej" (Types and Ideals of Positivist Polish Literature)

"Dekadentyzm" (Decadence)

His studies of German literature include:
"Gustaw Freytag"
"Dramat niemeccki w wieku XIX" (German Drama in the 19th Century)
"Henryk Heine"
Fictional Works
Jeske-Choiński also wrote fiction, including:
A cycle of novellas on Provencal themes

"Gasn?ce Slonce" (Fading Sun), part of an epic that aimed to encompass European history