Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Sintenis

Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Sintenis

German lawyer.
Country: Germany

  1. German Jurist
  2. Early Life and Education
  3. Academic and Judicial Career
  4. Translation Endeavors
  5. Literary Works
  6. Legacy

German Jurist

Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Sintenis was a renowned German jurist who made significant contributions to the field of law.

Early Life and Education

Born in Zerbst, Germany, Sintenis initially studied law at the University of Göttingen. He subsequently obtained a doctoral degree in law from the University of Jena.

Academic and Judicial Career

Sintenis was appointed as a professor at the University of Giessen, where he excelled as a legal scholar. He later became president of the supreme court and minister in the Duchy of Anhalt.

Translation Endeavors

In 1829, Sintenis embarked on a groundbreaking project with other jurists to translate the "Corpus Juris Civilis" into German. This project, spanning from 1830 to 1834, marked the first German translation of this fundamental legal code. Sintenis also collaborated on translations of the "Corpus Juris Canonici" and the "Handbuch des gemeinen Pfandrechts."

Literary Works

Sintenis' magnum opus was "Das praktische gemeine Zivilrecht," a comprehensive treatise on common civil law. First published between 1844 and 1851, it ran into three editions, with the last being published in 1868-1869.


Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Sintenis played a pivotal role in shaping the German legal landscape. His translations and scholarly works provided a solid foundation for legal education and practice. His legacy continues to inspire and guide lawyers and scholars alike.