Cezar Teruehl

Cezar Teruehl

Spiritual teacher
Country: Venezuela

  1. Biography of Cesar Teruel
  2. A Spiritual Journey
  3. Discovering True Identity

Biography of Cesar Teruel

Cesar Teruel, a spiritual teacher, was born in Venezuela in 1969. From a young age, he had a deep interest in spirituality. In December 1998, his prayers were answered when he had the opportunity to visit Satya Sai Baba, who directed him to the Ramana Maharshi ashram in Tiruvannamalai, South India. It was there, upon seeing a statue of Ramana Maharshi in one of the ashram halls, that he experienced a profound and immediate revelation.

Cezar Teruehl

A Spiritual Journey

Cesar does not belong to any particular religion or spiritual organization, nor does he deny any of them. He does not have any teachings, methods, or practices. Following the request of his teacher, starting from July 2005 after the teacher's passing, Cesar began conducting public satsangs. He shares his experiences and knowledge with other seekers of Truth, helping them realize their true "Self." "I am not a Teacher and I have no teachings. I have simply come to tell you that everything you need, everything you have been searching for, is already within you, but you are unaware of it. I have come to tell you that you are ALREADY FREE. I can only open your eyes and point to the place where this freedom resides within you."

Cezar Teruehl

Discovering True Identity

Cesar emphasizes that the only thing one needs to know is who they truly are. This understanding is everything, and everything else will naturally unfold. He guides individuals towards realizing their innate freedom and true nature. Through his satsangs, Cesar helps others awaken to the realization that they are already complete and free.

Overall, Cesar Teruel is a spiritual teacher who, without aligning himself with any specific religion or spiritual organization, shares his unique insights and experiences with others, assisting them on their journey towards self-realization and liberation.