Gandalf Alfgeirsson

Gandalf Alfgeirsson

A semi-legendary Norwegian king, ruler of Vingulmark
Country: Norway

  1. Gandalf, the Legendary King of Vingulmark
  2. Conflict and Demise
  3. Legacy and Significance

Gandalf, the Legendary King of Vingulmark

Early Life and Rule

Gandalf, a semi-legendary Norwegian king, ruled over the realm of Vingulmark. According to the historian Snorri Sturluson in his work "Heimskringla," Gandalf inherited his father Alvgeir's kingdom and contested its rule with Halfdan the Black, the son of Gudrød the Hunter. Eventually, they reached an agreement, dividing Vingulmark between them.

Conflict and Demise

Upon Gandalf's demise, his sons Hyrsing, Helsing, and Hake ambushed Halfdan the Black. However, Halfdan escaped, rallied an army, and defeated the brothers. Hyrsing and Helsing were slain, while Hake fled the country. Halfdan subsequently became the undisputed ruler of Vingulmark.

Legacy and Significance

Gandalf's existence remains shrouded in myth and legend. Despite his uncertain historicity, his story highlights the complex political landscape and power struggles in early Norway. His name lives on in Norse mythology and literature, where he appears as a wise and powerful magician.