Gunter Brus

Gunter Brus

Austrian abstract artist.
Date of Birth: 27.09.1938
Country: Austria

  1. Gunter Brus: An Austrian Abstract Artist
  2. The Vienna Actionism Movement
  3. Exile and Later Works

Gunter Brus: An Austrian Abstract Artist

Gunter Brus is an Austrian abstract artist known for his radical and controversial works. Born in Graz, Austria, Brus received his primary artistic education at the School of Applied Arts in Graz. In 1956, he moved to Vienna, where he studied painting. Initially influenced by German Expressionism and the works of Edward Munch and Vincent van Gogh, Brus later turned his attention to abstract expressionism, particularly the works of Emilio Vedova.

Working primarily by splattering paint onto the canvas, Brus developed a unique style that set him apart from his contemporaries. However, in 1961, Brus was conscripted into the army, interrupting his artistic pursuits. After his discharge, in late 1962, the artist experienced a severe mental crisis.

The Vienna Actionism Movement

Brus became one of the most radical representatives of the Vienna Actionism movement (Wiener Aktionismus). In 1964, he prepared his first performance art piece, or "action." This work marked a turning point in his artistic career, leading him to temporarily abandon his abstract painting style. Subsequent actions included "Coloring Hands," "Coloring Head," "Self-Coloring," "Self-Mutilation," "Blood Transfusion," "Torture," and others.

In 1967, Brus continued to push the boundaries of his art with new actions such as "Pull-over" and "Inhale-Exhale." In these performances, he explored the theme of childbirth, incorporating his young daughter Diana into the presentation. Brus exhibited a complete disregard for taboos, urinating and masturbating during the actions and cutting himself with razor blades. As a result of his controversial behavior, he was charged with desecration of Austrian national symbols and sentenced to six months in prison.

Exile and Later Works

To avoid arrest, Brus fled to West Berlin, where he lived for several years. His final action took place in June 1970. After this, Brus returned to painting and began experimenting with the combination of painting and literature. This resulted in his series of works titled "Pictures-Poems," which gained numerous imitators in the 1970s and 1980s.

In 1996, Brus was awarded the prestigious Austrian State Prize for his contributions to art. He continues to live and work in Graz, Austria.