Habibulla Amirhanov

Habibulla Amirhanov

Soviet physicist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR
Date of Birth: 22.04.1907

  1. Early Life and Education
  2. Academic Career
  3. Scientific Contributions
  4. Geophysics
  5. Political and Social Involvement
  6. Legacy

Early Life and Education

Khazret Israfilovich Amirkhanovwas born in the village of Karadakh, Dagestan, in the Russian Empire. He completed his education at Azerbaijan University in 1930.

Academic Career

Director of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics

From 1932 to 1950, Amirkhanov worked at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Azerbaijan SSR Academy of Sciences. In 1944, he became the Director of the Institute.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Dagestan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences

In 1950, Amirkhanov was appointed as the Chairman of the Presidium of the Dagestan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He also continued his affiliation with Azerbaijan University, where he became a Professor in 1946.

Scientific Contributions

Semiconductor Physics and Energy

Amirkhanov's contributions focused on semiconductor physics, energy, and geophysics. He investigated the thermoelectric properties of semiconductors and transport phenomena in strong magnetic fields. In 1940, he discovered the thermal rectification effect.


In geophysics, Amirkhanov developed the potassium-argon method for dating minerals in 1955. He also devised the thermal flow variation method for geothermal exploration in 1964.

Political and Social Involvement

Amirkhanov became a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1941. He served as a deputy of the 5th Supreme Soviet of the USSR.


Amirkhanov is widely recognized as the "first Dagestani to receive the title of Academician." His groundbreaking research in semiconductor physics and geophysics has had a lasting impact on these fields.