Kadashman-harbe I

Kadashman-harbe I

Kassite king of Babylon, ruled in the 14th century BC.
Date of Birth: .
Country: Dive

  1. Reign of Kadashman-Harbe
  2. Conquest of Biruti
  3. Diplomatic Relations with Egypt
  4. Marriage Proposals and Ultimatums
  5. Response to Ultimatum and Gifts
  6. Confusing Historical Accounts
  7. Unknown Reign Duration

Reign of Kadashman-Harbe

Kadashman-Harbe, a Kassite king, ruled Babylonia during the 14th century BC. His reign was marked by the "annihilation of the Sutians (Amorites) from sunrise to sunset," likely referring to the Amorite presence in Mesopotamia.

Conquest of Biruti

Kadashman-Harbe extended his territory by conquering the city of Biruti in Narhar.

Diplomatic Relations with Egypt

Kadashman-Harbe was a contemporary of the powerful Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III. Several letters between them reveal negotiations for marriage alliances and gift exchanges.

Marriage Proposals and Ultimatums

Amenhotep III requested a Babylonian princess for his harem, but Kadashman-Harbe claimed his sister's whereabouts were unknown. Suspecting deception, he accused the Egyptian court of presenting a false substitute. Amenhotep III, in turn, accused the Babylonian envoys of dishonesty and demanded transparency in their dealings.

Kadashman-Harbe demanded an Egyptian princess in return, but Amenhotep III refused, citing a law prohibiting the marriage of Egyptian princesses to foreigners. Kadashman-Harbe threatened to withhold his own daughter unless Egypt sent gold and gifts.

Response to Ultimatum and Gifts

Amenhotep III responded to the ultimatum by sending gifts to Kadashman-Harbe, including an ornate bed, a throne, and promises of additional valuables.

Confusing Historical Accounts

The Babylonian Chronicle P occasionally conflates the events of Kadashman-Harbe's reign with those of a later Babylonian king, Karaindash II.

Unknown Reign Duration

The exact number of years Kadashman-Harbe reigned is uncertain, as historical records have not been preserved.