Name Penny

Discover a comprehensive list of renowned celebrities sharing the name Penny. From Academy Award-winning actresses like Penny Marshall and Penny Fuller to renowned dancers such as Penny Saunders, this page showcases the illustrious figures who have made their mark in the world of entertainment. Explore their remarkable achievements and contributions, and learn about their fascinating lives in our in-depth guide.

Penny Kris-Etherton Penny Kris-Etherton
American researcher, specialist in dietetics and proper nutrition.
Hank Penny Hank Penny
American banjo player
Penny Johnson Jerald Penny Johnson Jerald
American actress
Penny Marshall Penny Marshall
American actress, producer and director.
Penny Mordaunt Penny Mordaunt
Great Britain
British politician
Penny Singleton Penny Singleton
American film actress
Brad Penny Brad Penny
American baseball player
Penny Lancaster Penny Lancaster
Great Britain
English fashion model and photographer
Penny Edwards Penny Edwards
American actress
Penny Pritzker Penny Pritzker
Founder and CEO of Classic Residence by Hyatt.
Penny Coomes Penny Coomes
Great Britain
British figure skater
Penny Lockett Penny Lockett
Great Britain
British schoolgirl, 17, dies of meningococcal meningitis type W
Penny Jacquet Penny Jacquet
Great Britain
A British woman who suffered from a delayed onset of menopause.
Penny Rimbaud Penny Rimbaud
Great Britain
English musician, writer and poet.
Penny Palfrey Penny Palfrey
Anglo-Australian swimmer
Penny Kris-Etherton Penny Kris-Etherton
American researcher, specialist in dietetics and proper nutrition.