Saul Borovoy

Saul Borovoy

Historian of Russian and Ukrainian Jewry, specialist in the socio-economic history of the 16th-19th centuries.
Date of Birth: 01.01.1903
Country: Russia

  1. Saul Yakovlevich Borovy: Historian of Russian and Ukrainian Jewry
  2. Early Life and Academic Career
  3. Research on Jewish History
  4. Professional Career
  5. Later Research and Legacy
  6. Recognition and Commemoration

Saul Yakovlevich Borovy: Historian of Russian and Ukrainian Jewry

Saul Yakovlevich Borovy (1903-1989) was a renowned historian specializing in the socio-economic history of Russian and Ukrainian Jewry from the 16th to 19th centuries.

Early Life and Academic Career

Born in Odessa in 1903, Borovy graduated from the law faculty of the Odessa Economic Institute in 1924 while concurrently studying archaeology. He later pursued postgraduate studies at the Central Scientific Library and earned a doctorate in pedagogical sciences in 1930. Through his numerous publications, he also obtained the degrees of Candidate of Historical Sciences and Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Research on Jewish History

In the 1930s, Borovy dedicated himself primarily to the history of Jewish communities. He discovered numerous Jewish-language documents in the Zaporozhye Sich archive, which formed the basis for his doctoral dissertation, "Studies on the History of Jews in Ukraine in the 16th-18th Centuries" (1940). This dissertation examined the significant role of Jews in the Zaporozhye Cossack community.

Professional Career

Borovy's career spanned various institutions, including the Jewish Academic Library, the Central Scientific Library, and the State Archive. He also held teaching positions at several universities. From 1934 to 1977, he worked as a professor at the Odessa Credit and Economic Institute.

Later Research and Legacy

Borovy's final research focused on the tragic fate of Odessa's Jewish population during the Holocaust. His memoir, published in 1993, chronicled his life from the pre-revolutionary period to the present, highlighting prominent figures in the Jewish community of Odessa. Throughout his career, Borovy published over 200 works, including articles, books, and contributions to textbooks, encyclopedias, and reviews.

Recognition and Commemoration

In 2003, the centenary of Borovy's birth was widely commemorated in Odessa. A scientific conference, "Odessa and Jewish Civilization," was held in his memory, and an exhibition dedicated to his life and work was displayed at the Museum of the History of Odessa Jews.