Vadim Zeland

Vadim Zeland

An unknown author of books that everyone knows.

  1. The Mysterious Author Behind Everyone's Knowledge
  2. A Life of Secrecy and Theories
  3. Transurfing Reality: A Way to Master Life
  4. The Practicality of Transurfing
  5. The Reluctant Master
  6. The Impact of His Writings

The Mysterious Author Behind Everyone's Knowledge

Vadim Zeland, the enigmatic author behind the widely renowned books that have become a cultural staple, remains a shrouded figure, presenting himself as a reality rather than a creation of the publishing collective.

A Life of Secrecy and Theories

Zeland's biography is a tapestry of ambiguity. He lives in seclusion, communicating with readers solely through his books' official website, leaving his identity shrouded in mystery. His published works revolve around his self-developed theory of Transurfing Reality, a highly debated and popular concept with countless followers. There exists an official Transurfing scale with presentations, trainers, and comprehensive practices.

In his own words: "I am over forty. Before the Soviet Union collapsed, I studied quantum physics; later, I ventured into computer technologies; now, it's books. I live in Russia. By nationality, I am Russian, or rather, a quarter Estonian. The rest is of no consequence, as is the whole thing."

Transurfing Reality: A Way to Master Life

Transurfing Reality, a term coined by Zeland, denotes a method for controlling one's life. According to his theory, life mirrors an individual's worldview. Zeland insists he is not the originator of Transurfing, but rather, the ancient knowledge was passed down to him by enigmatic entities known as the Watchers.

The Practicality of Transurfing

In a rare interview, Zeland described Transurfing as "not a speculative theory but a practical technique for managing reality. This Knowledge came to me from the space of options – an information field from which all premonitions, insights, and discoveries emerge. To a certain extent, each of us is 'connected' to this inexhaustible databank, but not everyone pays attention to the faint whispers of their subconscious or dares to take their intuitive knowledge and feelings seriously."

The Reluctant Master

Zeland takes a firm stance towards his followers: "I see no need to offer guidance or conduct seminars and training sessions. The books already provide everything clearly and specifically. Take it up and act."

The Impact of His Writings

"This Knowledge is not for everyone, and not everyone is ready to accept it," Zeland remarks about his books. "Transurfing goes against the grain of our conventional worldview." Written in an accessible and captivating style, Zeland's series of books introduces readers to startling concepts that challenge their perceptions of reality.
