Angelo Michele Bertalotti

Angelo Michele Bertalotti

Italian singer (bass), composer and music teacher.
Date of Birth: 08.04.1666
Country: Italy

  1. Francesco Antonio Pistocchi
  2. Pedagogical Works
  3. Historical Writings
  4. Distinction from an Earlier Namesake

Francesco Antonio Pistocchi

Francesco Antonio Pistocchi (c. 1659 – c. 1726) was an Italian bass singer, composer, and music teacher. He lived and worked in Bologna, Italy, except for a two-year period in the late 1680s when he studied singing in Rome. He held several important music teaching positions in Bologna.

Pedagogical Works

Pistocchi is known primarily for his collection of solfège exercises, "Solfeggi a due e a tre voci" (1744), and his singing textbook, "Regole facilissime per apprendere con facilità e prestezza li canti fermo e figurato" (1698). Both publications were widely reprinted, with his textbook undergoing at least eight editions throughout the 18th century. "Solfeggi" was also reprinted in the 20th century, edited by Miklós Forrai.

Historical Writings

In addition to his pedagogical works, Pistocchi also wrote an important treatise on the early history of the Bologna Philharmonic Academy, titled "Minuta Cronologia della Nostra Accademia de' Filarmonici di Bologna."

Distinction from an Earlier Namesake

It is important to distinguish Pistocchi from his namesake (1615–1681), a lutenist who served in the Swedish and French royal courts. The two men had no known familial relationship. The lutenist Pistocchi published two collections of lute pieces and a book on lute instruction, "Table pour apprendre facilement à toucher le théorbe sur la basse continue" (1669).