George Etherege

George Etherege

English playwright
Country: Great Britain

  1. An Intriguing Life of Sir George Etherege
  2. Diplomatic Career and Personal Life
  3. Literary Legacy
  4. Later Years and Demise

An Intriguing Life of Sir George Etherege

Early Life and Education

The exact date and birthplace of Sir George Etherege remain shrouded in mystery. Records suggest possible ties to London, Oxfordshire, or Bermuda. His early years may have included studies at Cambridge University and the Inns of Court in London. Etherege's travels took him to France and Flanders before he settled in London's bustling society.

Diplomatic Career and Personal Life

In 1668, Etherege began a three-year stint as secretary to the English ambassador in Turkey. During this time, he married a wealthy widow and purchased a knighthood. From 1685 to 1689, he served as English envoy in Regensburg, Germany.

Literary Legacy

Etherege wrote three comedies that established his reputation as a pioneer of Restoration comedy, though his legacy was not without controversy.

- Comical Revenge, or Love in Tub(1664): A blend of local color, gallantry, intrigue, and wit, written in a mix of prose and heroic couplets.

- She Would If She Could(1668): A lighter comedy that met with lesser success than its predecessor.

- The Man of Mode, or Sir Fopling Flutter(1676): Etherege's masterpiece, a satirical comedy that humorously portrays the excesses of fashionable society.

Later Years and Demise

Etherege's later years were spent in Paris, where he passed away at an unknown date. His exact burial place remains a mystery.