Lorenzo Mascheroni

Lorenzo Mascheroni

Italian scientist and poet
Date of Birth: 13.05.1750
Country: Italy

  1. Lorenzo Mascheroni: An Italian Scientist and Poet
  2. A Delegate for the Metric System
  3. Noteworthy Works

Lorenzo Mascheroni: An Italian Scientist and Poet

Lorenzo Mascheroni was an Italian scientist and poet who was born in 1750. He served as a professor of mathematics at the Gymnasium in Ticino and taught elementary mathematics at the University of Pavia. Mascheroni was known for his passionate advocacy of novelty and innovation.

A Delegate for the Metric System

During the formation of the Cisalpine Republic, Mascheroni was elected as a deputy and soon after traveled to Paris to participate in an international commission. This commission was convened to develop a new metric system. Mascheroni played a crucial role in the discussions and had a significant impact on the establishment of the metric system.

Noteworthy Works

Mascheroni's most famous work, "La geometria del compasso" (Pavia, 1797), gained considerable attention from his contemporaries. It was translated into French and German languages. The subject of this composition focused on solving problems using only a compass, which were typically solved using a ruler and compass together.

Among his other notable works are "Nuove ricerche sullequilibrio delle volte" (Bergamo, 1785), which is considered a classic in Italian literature, "Metodo di misurare i poligoni piani" (Pavia, 1787), "Maniera di misurare l'inclinazione dell'ago calamitato" (Bergamo, 1728), "Soluzione d'un problema dell'Eulero" ("Biblioteca fisica d'Europa", vol. VI, Pavia, 1788), "Adnolationes ad calculum integralem Euleri" (1790 and 1792), and "Notizie generali del nuovo sistema dei pesi e misure dedotte dalla grandezza della terra" (Milan, Anno VI, 1798).

Lorenzo Mascheroni's contributions to mathematics and his involvement in the development of the metric system have solidified his place as one of the prominent figures in Italian scientific history.